Mirror Monopoly
Mirror Monopoly: The shoe moves by itself counter-clockwise - unusual. The dice rolls for me - Community Chest. Moustache Man is familiar...

What's In A Score?
Exciting game play doesn’t require ego-inflating numbers. Backword Scramble – the world’s only Word-Find in Reverse – calculates scores...

Mirror Reading in a 2nd Language
Mirror Reading in a 2nd Language! Why challenge your fluency? To discover unique skills. As you mirror read in a new language, you...

Mirror Read Rabbit Holes
Here is a secret note, for your eyes... We will be announcing this to the world shortly, but since you are now within the circle, I will...

UnTrivial Pursuits
...So not Trivial! When programming visionary Nathaniel Blumer divulged, "We can turn the internet backwards," I spoke fast,...

Surf Backwards
It is my pleasure to announce: The Mirror Read v2.0 is out! Now, do what you have never been able to before. !Surf backwards! This...

Reflected Notes
Playing with reflection in music – it’s an ancient realm of rhythm, vantage and math. From scrying songs to neuroscientists who stimulate...

It's About Attitude
Ever wonder how your vision shapes your attitude? Or how your attitude changes your perspective? Chase after what interests you! No fear....

Mirror Read Memes
Once, a Meme meant a thought virus, very abstract. Now they are better known as the clever image-statements that permeate online...

Mirror Reading on a Rainy Day
I did it for selfish reasons: I wanted to be part of the equation. My goal was to share books, and fun looks, with my then 3-year old...